It is almost a year ago that this picture was taken at Cornerstone Old Catholic Community's Christian Passover meal hosted by me and my partner John at our home in NE Minneapolis. Good memories that I take with me as I journey to Europe next week Tuesday, March 16, 2010. Although I will not be with my partner and my community for Holy Week and the great Easter celebration, I know that they will be with me in my heart as we celebrate the events of Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection.
I have to admit that "blogging" was not something I ever thought I would do, but here I am navigating pretty well so far in the bloggers world. Credit must be given to my good friend Michael Bayly (pictured sitting in the cushion chair) who almost insisted I create a blog to document my travels throughout Europe, etc. Thanks for the gentle nudge Michael!
Ultimately, I hope this blog becomes a useful place to post my thoughts and reflections as well as others about Old Catholicism in North America and Catholicism in general. It is a place that endeavors to actively engage its readers to veritably reflect on and respond to a mission and model of the church that is lay-led and lay-driven working within (and not independent from) the communion of Old Catholicism.
Will be in touch...Shalom, ~Bob